Sitting in out-patients today. Slow day, lots of DNAs - 'did not attend' for the non-cognoscenti. Good weather outside, so lot of people didn't turn up. Result doctors and nurses sitting twiddling their thumbs. Lot of money wasted. Waiting lists get longer. Some hospitals and GP surgeries have suggested introducing a charge for non-attendence, ie. you pay upfront before the appointment day, if you turn up you get the money back, othewise you don't.
Seems like a good idea, however if you read the book Freakonomics then you may not be surprised if the opposite happens, especially if the charge is nominal. Logic according to the book goes like this - if you don't turn up, most people would feel guilty and hence will try and turn up, if you introduce a charge, guilt is expiated and hence less incentive to turn up. Or in layman's terms - reverse psychology. Introduce a hefty charge and you risk protests and also will target people with genuine reason for non-attendence.
No easy solutions.